Use these Instagram contest ideas to increase engagement

There are countless ways to make your Instagram posts and consequently your brand name well-known. One way is through holding a contest. Contests on this social media platform are an excellent way to achieve sales goals like the following:
• Getting new Instagram followers
• Increasing engagement
• Sending people to your site
• Making sales and much more!
If you don’t know the different Instagram contest ideas for businesses, simply consider the following as your reference.
Currently, Instagram does not have rules regulating how you can operate a contest on your account, thus, you are free to be creative. Like other Instagram users, you can try the following options:
1. Announce a freebie or reward that will be randomly drawn from the people who comment on your photos.
2. Give something away to the last commenter after a certain period of time.
3. Ask your followers to post content, for example, a video saying why they want to win and use a specific hashtag to label the content. Then, simply draw a winner randomly.
4. Have a photo contest where you examine a photo based on particular criteria. Participants can be more creative by sending inspiring and unique photos.
5. Organize a scavenger hunt game. In your post, simply list 3+ products your viewers need to take pictures of and place with your hashtag to be entered. Be as simple or crazy as you think your viewers can handle.

Besides the afore mentioned, you can also play a guessing game. You just need to take a picture of you, or your item, in a certain location. You can also have them guess your exact place or activity and pick a champ among those who answered correctly.
In addition, you can also have a holiday or seasonal photo contest. Have your readers dress up for a certain holiday. Then, post something specific in the caption with your best hashtag.
Sometimes, Instagram users ask followers to be creative through posting an image that depicts something specific. Like them, you can also do the same thing!
Are you ready to organize a contest? Then pick the best plan and see how it affects the likes and followers of your Instagram post.