1. Long-Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords are important if you want to improve your SEO ranking. First, let’s define what a long-tail keyword is. It’s a search term that’s typically between two to five words that targets a niche market rather than a mass audience. Instead of focusing on one specific word, a long-tail keyword forces on a phrase or group of words. Choosing a long-tail keyword when writing an article is important. It will help give you direction when writing your post and help you rank higher in a Google search.
Below are three examples of long-tail keywords vs. single keywords:
Although using a single keyword means a higher traffic count there is also a scary amount of competition out there using the same keyword. Using a long-tail keyword will attract views from people within your target audience plus you wont be competing with as many other sites.
Below are the most important places to include long-tail keywords:
► Title of Your Post
► Body of Your Post
► The URL
► The Meta Description
I will go over meta descriptions and URL optimization in detail below.
2. Image Optimization
Another way to improve your SEO ranking is by optimizing your images within a post. When you upload an image, you have the option to include a keyword within the “alt text”. Search engines don’t have the ability to interpret the photo so this allows them to understand what the photo represents.
How to Edit the “Alt Text”
Upload a new image ▸
Go to the attachment details ▸
Look for “alt text” ▸
Enter in your keyword” ▸
Click save and you’re done!
click to zoom |
TIP: If you change the alt tag after the image is already in your post it may not save. Change the alt tag before inserting the image into your article.
3. Meta Descriptions
As we talked about earlier, the meta description is important when trying to improve your SEO ranking. If you’re unfamiliar with this term, a meta description is the snippet of text that appears underneath the link of a search result. The meta description is important because it will help encourage someone to click on the link that will lead to your site. Below the meta description is outlined in red:
So how do you write a strong meta description?
Make Sure it’s Clean and Convincing
The meta description is one of the best way to explain what the article is about. That way when someone is reading your meta description they will know if the article is what they’re looking for. So make sure it’s well-written to help you stand out.
Include Your Long-Tail Keyword
The meta description also helps search engines know what your article is about. Make sure to include your long-tail keyword so your article shows up under relevant searches.
Include a Call to Action
It’s also important to include a call to action in your meta description. In the photo above, the call to action is included in the last sentence. ‣ “Click here if you’re looking for healthy recipes you can make in 30 minutes or less.” If you ask someone to do something, it’s more likely to happen.
If you’re using WordPress,
Yoast has an awesome app that allows you to edit the meta description. I personally use the free version and it works great.
4. URL Optimization
Optimizing the URL for each blog post will also help improve your SEO ranking. It’s important that each URL is easy to understand, explains what the article is about, and includes a long-tail keyword. Below is an example which highlights an optimized URL vs. two that you should try and avoid.
Optimized URL
Difficult to Understand
Impossible to Understand
5. SEO Optimized Theme
A responsive theme means your blog will look the same on your computer, phone, and tablet. It’s also important for your site’s SEO. If your theme isn’t responsive, it can end up hurting your SEO ranking in multiple ways:
Higher Bounce Rate
If you don’t have a responsive theme and haven’t optimized your website for a mobile version, it may lead to a higher bounce rate. Without a responsive theme, your website will not transition smoothly to other devices. That means if someone ends up on the mobile version of your site, they’re more likely to leave because it hasn’t been formatted for their device.
Poor User Experience
Not having an SEO optimized mobile version can also lead to a poor experience for your audience. A responsive theme automatically changes the layout of your site depending on the screen size and orientation. If you don’t have a responsive theme and haven’t optimized the mobile version of your website, there’s a good chance it’s not doing this. That means your website might be distorted or have major formatting mistakes when viewed from a phone or tablet.
Duplicate Content
If you don’t have a responsive theme but want to make your website mobile friendly, you will have to duplicate content. Unfortunately, search engines favor simplicity and organization. Having multiple versions of your site will end up hurting your SEO. So remember, a responsive theme = an improved SEO ranking.
If you’re looking for a free, responsive theme check out the link below:
6. Internal and External Links
Links are one of the most important things to consider when making your blog SEO friendly. To do this, every post should include both inbound and outbound links. That means you will link to articles within your site and to other blogs or websites.
Internal links will help users navigate through your site. It also allows search engines to navigate which will help improve your SEO ranking. External links enhance your readers experience and builds trust. It also allows search engines to understand your specific niche.
Another important thing to remember is to optimize the anchor text within a link. You can do this by replacing the link URL with a specific keyword or phrase. This allows users and search engines to understand what the link will lead to. Below are three examples of anchor text:
► If you’re looking for a gluten free baking powder, look no further:
Ann’s Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour- 24 oz
► If you’re looking for a gluten free baking powder, look no further:
► If you’re looking for a gluten free baking powder, look no further:
Click Here
The two bottom links don’t offer additional value to your audience. However, the first link is more detailed and includes keywords that will help to improve your SEO ranking.
Marianna – Author – Thanks for this great article!