Learn How To Start Dominating YouTube in Under 10 Minutes

There is a misconception spreading around the internet that getting high amount of traffic, loyal subscribers and authentic viewers for your YouTube channel is not possible without you being extremely lucky. And I say that notion is nonsense. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t entirely dismiss the importance of luck in the trendy YouTube business, my point is that being a YouTuber is not the same as being a gambler.
Being successful on YouTube actually requires passion, consistency and persistence. With that being said, before reading any further, you should ask yourself:
Is making informative and/or entertaining videos on YouTube is what you like to do?
Does the thought of having millions of viewers enjoy your videos excites you?
If the answer is a certain yes, then you do have the passion and this post will provide you what you need to be consistent and persistent in the YouTube business. If you put in your effort for a few months, I can assure you that your channel will grow exponentially. This post will get right to the point of what to do and why you should do it.
With the knowledge of this post, you should see tremendous growth of your YouTube channel and other social media.
What this post is:
– Short: this post is designed to be as short as possible.
– Pure content: Only authentic, relevant content is included on this post so no “filler”. Thus, every piece of information as very important. Though short, this post may take time to absorb. However, the post is easy to follow as the information is in sequential order.
I hope you will be successful following what is written here.
Now, let’s get started!
Create your Account and set up your channel
The first thing that you need is to have a YouTube account, which is a part of a Google account. You can easily create a Google account via any of Google’s product like Gmail or Google Drive. Just go to this website: https://accounts.google.com/ and click on the Create account button. The following registration process is very easy and intuitive so I excuse myself from any further discussion.

Once you have your account registered, you’ll need to verify it with your phone number. Go to https://www.youtube.com/verify and fill in your phone number. Google will then provide you with a 6 digit-code to fill in the continuing page and BAM! Your account is verified!
Why? Verifying your account gives you the ability to monetize your videos and the ability to have more-than-15-minute videos. Also, if your chosen niche are filled with flag-bots, having your account verified helps prevent you videos from being taken down by mass-flaggings. It also secures your account from greedy abusive marketer.
After you have verified your account, you should pick the theme for your videos. Though this is not a formal procedure, you must determine the niche of all your future videos. Having your uploaded videos talking about unrelated random stuff harms viewers retention, the viewers don’t know what your channel is about so they don’t know if the content of your videos is of interest to them. They won’t watch more than one and they won’t subscribe.
Remember NOT to make your niche too broad or general. For example, Health is very broad niche and most likely to be dominated by another major channel, you will not have any piece of the pie. Weight loss is still broad but Weight Loss using Eastern Methods is just specific enough. A channel with a targeted topic will retain viewers that are interested in that topic. And remember NOT to be TOO SPECIFIC because soon you may run out of ideas for your videos.
You may argue that some Youtube Tycoons don’t follow this rule, Pewdiepie makes videos all about random stuffs. The thing is that they do follow the rule, their niche is about themselves and the brand that they built, Pewdiepie’s fans know that Pewdiepie’s videos are about Pewdiepie and they like to watch those videos. Before Pewdiepie became a star, his niche has been Let’s Play horror game, which is not a saturated niche back then. You are not famous yet, so it is in your best interest that you follow a niche.

Now that you have yourself a theme for your videos. You should concentrate on making professional and appealing graphics for your channel. First and foremost, you must have a great profile picture, that is what viewers will see when they watch your videos. One way is to upload a carefully edited photo of your face. Another way to is to draw or have other adept graphical designer draw you a cartoony version your face or the logo of your brand. If you can’t make your own, I recommend going to Fiverr.com to hire professionals for just $5. Have a good profile picture is not silly joke, it will set you apart from the crowd of mediocre channels.
Once the profile pic is done, we move on to the channel header. The header is also important because it is the first thing they see when they decide to come to your channel. The same rule apply for this piece of graphics, but if you can’t afford another $5, you sign up on Canva.com to have your header easily created even though you are not a designer. The site already has the YouTube channel header template and the output file quality is very good. I recommend against using Canva for your profile pic because Canva is not suitable for making unique images, which is what a profile picture aims to be.
DO remember to have your graphics style relevant and related to your niche. You don’t your style to look silly or crazy when your niche is about promoting a serious business, do you?
The next thing is to set the defaults for all your future videos. Go to youtube.com/upload_defaults and appears are fields to be filled in. Having the defaults set will help you keep the consistency throughout the videos of yours. The information set in the upload defaults will be included automatically when you upload a video and can be override. Let’s say your niche is about gaming having the default Category set to Gaming will make all your videos about gaming. It save you from tedious manual work!
Feel free to explore the default settings and experience however you like. However, you should have your website and social media profiles as a part of the Description.